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About the Practitioners

Greta Jones - LMT, CLT, MLD-C

Owner at Complementary Therapies

Licensed Massage Therapist - LMT

ACOLS Certified Lymphedema Therapist CLT

 Certified Lymphatic Drainage Therapist - Vodder technique, MLD-C 

MPS Pain & Scar release Therapy

Advanced Post operative Lymphatic drainage

Oncology massage and Breast cancer rehab

Thai Practitioner & Reiki Master

Active member association:

Member Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP)
National lymphedema Network (NLN)
British Lymphology Society (BLS)
Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS)

More about Greta and her certifications, training, and experience in the below link, or in  the page "About Greta"

Connie Montes - LMT, MLD-C

Independent contractor at Complementary Therapies

Licensed Massage Therapist - LMT

ACOLS Certified Lymphatic Drainage Therapist - 

Vodder technique, MLD-C

Advanced Post operative lymphatic drainage

Member Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

Text or call us at  404 795 6511 or  404 507 2701
Member Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals ABMP, National lymphedema Network, & Academy of Lymphatic Studies ACOLS
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