
Slow the progression of lipedema with Manual Lymphatic drainage. We also offer pre and post operative care for liposuction procedures
Lipedema is a chronic disease, which is marked by bilateral and symmetrical swelling of the lower extremities, caused by extensive deposits of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the legs and arms. A common but under recognized disorder. Lipedema may cause pain, swelling, and easy bruising.
Lipedema is very unfamiliar for many physicians, which is the reason why it is often misdiagnosed as bilateral primary lymphedema, Cellulitis or morbid obesity. Other venous specialists just diagnose venous disease ignoring the Lipedema condition many women have along side with venous issues.
For people who have lipedema, the swelling is caused by an overgrowth of the fat storage cells (adipocytes) that are normally found in a layer of the skin. These cells grow abnormally in size and number when someone has lipedema. Because body fat has a liquid consistency at normal body temperatures, the fat accumulation can resemble other causes of fluid retention in the tissues.
The causes of lipedema are not well understood. It is reported to start or worsen during puberty and other periods of hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and menopause. Research is underway to determine the biological role of hormones, genetics, inflammation, and metabolism in the condition's development.

Table courtesy of the book Lymphedema Management, the comprehensive Guide for Practitioner. Joachim E. Zuther & Steve Norton
Deep oscillation therapy supports, intensifies, and improves the effects and lastingness of other manual techniques such as manual lymphatic drainage, therapeutic massage, and lymphedema therapy.
Lipedema stages

Dealing with lipedema can be a lonely and confusing journey. Typically, individuals with lipedema are encouraged to:
- Improve lymphatic flow
- Reduce inflammation with a healthy eating plan
- Liposuction can be valuable for some people to manage pain and improve mobility.
- Help your body deal with lipedema with specific exercise program
- Get emotional support in groups in Facebook and search lipedema or lipoedema.
The problem of lipedema is that the fat is resistant to diet and exercise. We all are trying to help to illustrate patients and let them know what are their options.
Manual lymphatic Drainage (MLD) as a major component of Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), and is extremely effective in helping prevent the progression of lipedema to another stages called Lipo-lymphedema.
Lymphatic drainage is recommended if lipedema is combine with lymphedema. In some cases, wearing garment after they respond well to CDT is beneficial.
keeping active and detoxifying your body is important to keep balance of the condition.

We offer Hivamat Advanced assisted device Lymphatic drainage for lipedema and lymphedema
Deep Oscillation is a unique, patented, proven, non-invasive therapy, German technology that creates biological oscillations using electrostatic attraction and friction. The resonant vibration is up to 8 cm throughout the entire depth of the tissue-skin, connective tissue, interstitial area, subcutaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels.
Its electrostatic waves create a kneading effect deep within the damaged tissues, rapidly relaxing muscles, alleviating pain, and reducing swelling while restoring flexibility and blood supply to the affected area.
This technique is especially good for those who cannot tolerate deep tissue massage or manual therapy. The oscillation sensations are "pleasant, gentle", and provide "deep-acting" effects on all tissue levels from skin to fascial connective tissues, muscles, blood, lymph vessels. They reduce pain, inflammation, and reabsorb edema.